Khavaran Sanat Pasargad


Problems with cnc and its solutions

Description Problems with cnc and its solutions

Problems with cnc and its solutions:


No matter how fast your cnc devices are, it's important that they will not be immune to potential failures. There will be some problems and need to be solved.

Poor Maintenance:

CNC machines should be thoroughly cleaned and lubricated on a regular basis. Otherwise it may be the beginning of problems.

Inappropriate settings:

 Make sure the settings are correct. Parts such as the pressure of the three systems in the lathe and the head of the clamping head in the spindle mill ...

Weak or false programming

Ensure that the program is accurate, if you have a graph or dry run option, make sure the program is accurate to prevent possible accidents.

Tool change: There is a problem in the process of switching the tool:

If the problem occurs during the process of switching the tool, the best way to eliminate it is to learn the sequence of instrumentation steps.

For guidance, the order should be done in the following way:

a) The axes are positioned correctly (at the reference point 2 or reference tool change).

b) Spindle Orient. With the location of the colt in the crate, be the same.

c) The magazine pot in its position correctly.

d) Move the brace to place the tool on the spindle.

e) The spindle leaves the tool.

f) Separates the tool from the spindle.

g) The arm moves and places the new tool in the spindle.

h) the spindle takes the tool (clamping tool)

i) The arm is back to the first position.


The inability of any of the above can contribute to the problem. You can find out about the headlines by visiting the steps above and then take steps to fix it.

There is an emergency stop or not ready:

Check the checklist below:

a) Make sure the connector is connected to the power source. Check the power cord for any signs of a fault.

b) release the Emergency Stop fungal key.

c) Verify that the bartender and the units are connected and working properly

d) Make sure there is no fuse in the electrical cabinet.

e) Check that the door lock mechanism and the size of the connected modules inside the cabinet are working properly.

f) The LED of the LED alarm is on or off and see what message is displayed.

g) Make sure the power supply is active. See if you do not have a voltage drop. Do this by looking at the LED lights and see if they are dimmed or burned. If so, try removing the wire from them. And you should correct the voltage drop or failure in the winding.

The device does not turn on, it does not go up and looks strange on brightness?

a) If there is no button on the control panel, look at the power supply behind the panel. Make sure the feeder works correctly. There may be a fuse burned.

b) If the CRT does not rise, move the axes as you did on the screen before. If it's moving correctly, it's a problem with the screen and check if the power is coming to the screen. Otherwise, the bug in the data is from the control.

There is a problem with power supply!

In most cases, machines have multiple power sources. If you are not sure which is causing the problem, try checking these locations:

         I. The back of the CRT screen

       II. Input circuit

     III. I / O card

    IV. A separate power supply for drives and spindles.

      V. External Power Supply

    VI. If you think the problem is with the DC power supply, check the power input and make sure the input voltage is correct. Also check its output. If the voltage appears to be low or completely off, turn off the power, disconnect the output wires, and turn on the power again and check the output side.

   VII. Almost all power supplies are equipped with indicator lights. But you can not always cite it. Measure the voltage level to be sure. A fuse may be burnt or the connection will cause a voltage drop.

How can I fix the relay or understand the need for repair?

Although relay boards are in different sizes, they are generally common components in CNC devices. All of them work in the same way, so they will be very simple when you know their function.

Each relay receives an I / O signal of 24 V (VDC) or lower, and converts it to a signal typically 24 VDC or 110 V (VAC). It is very important to do this so that the machine can withstand higher amperes.

Almost all relay boards are equipped with LED lights that turn on when the car needs an outlet. When you see this light flashing, it means that the output has reached the board and should be applied to the relay in the panel. If the circuit does not fuse correctly, it is precisely the time and place where some problems arise. If you find that one of the symptoms is burnt on the board, it's easy to repair. In most cases, you just have to replace it. Remove the burned piece and replace it with a healthy one.

Three chuck systems seem to be stuck and not open and closed?

Based on the checklist below